[SOLVED] 32GB Ram with only 15.9 Ram Usable. 16.1 Hardware Reserved

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Sep 1, 2020
I currently have a issue with my Ram where 32GB is inserted and only 15.9 is usable and 16.1 is hardware reserved. I have done multiple things and probabally spent hours researching other threads and watching videos trying the MSCONFIG attempts and so on. Nothing seems to be working and i have made sure to check my ram multiple times and cross check it on PC Part picker. I even went to extremes to buy a new motherboard and see if that would work. Unfortunately the new motherboard did not even recognize my CPU. Everything is brand new and purchased last year into this year. I am desperatly trying to find solutions before having to buy a new CPU and Motherboard just to get my RAM to work. I stream so i would like for everything to work as i do play games that have alot going on within the screens. I will list my parts below so that way i can hopefully get further guidance. Thank you in advance!

Motherboard: MSI X470 Gaming Pro (MS-7B79) (AM4)
CPU: Ryzen 5 2600
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX 16GB (2 X 8GB) DDR4 3000 (PC4-24000) C16 1.35V Desktop Memory - Black PC Memory CMK16GX4M2D3000C16 (2)
Corsair Vengeance LPX 16GB (2 X 8GB) DDR4 3000 (PC4-24000) C16 1.35V Desktop Memory - Black PC memory CMK16GX4M2D3000C16 (2)

If there is anything else that i should include please let me know. I have screen shots as well. I'm really hoping that someone will be able to help me out. Thank you.
just like what Flayed said, try updating your BIOS first if theres any
second, try reseating the RAM and check if the RAM is seated correctly after (while u reseating the RAM, clean the dust near the slot)
So nothing seemed to change as of now. I did everything as you requested and i am still at a stand still. Now the only issue that i have is i would not know what to do to fix the mhz of ram speed within my bios.
I already turned it the A-XMP profile to on already and still nothing.
Okay, here is what youre gonna have to try next then. Do you know where the CMOS battery is? If not locate it. once you find it. youre going to turn off the PC. take out the plug from the Power supply. flip the switch to the off position on the PSU if you have on. remove the CMOS battery then press POWER button the case once or twice. wait about 5 minutes. After the 5 minutes replace CMOS battery. plug in the cord, switch to on then power up. ENTER BIOS again and turn on XMP profile.. restart and see what it tells you about your ram. If that doesn't work then you may need to flash your bios with the latest update.
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