37 blue screens over past 5 months


Dec 30, 2009
The title pretty much says it all. I was just wondering if anyone could help/direct me with the proper actions needed to finding out the problem. I saw someone link a similar post and they included this:

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: BlueScreen
OS Version: 6.1.7601.
Locale ID: 1033

Additional information about the problem:
BCCode: 1e
BCP2: FFFFF80002E9E9A9
BCP3: 0000000000000000
OS Version: 6_1_7601
Service Pack: 1_0
Product: 256_1

Files that help describe the problem:

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Not exactly sure what any of that means, or if it means anything, but there it is for whatever it is worth. That is the error message I got from my last blue screen.

my money is on overheating. I looked up the error code and most people with it fix the crashes by fixing overheating.
check your fans, make sure they all work.
make sure they are blowing the right way. new air in the front of the case, and hot air out the back and top, if you have a top.
dont put your case in a closed off corner or in a cabinet or anything that makes the hot air right back in the case.

you can use motherboard utilities to see its temps and your GPU interface will show its temps. you can also go the ghetto method and just feel the heatsinks inside the case. if its hot enough to hurt its too hot.
I am not using a SSD. I think I would agree with the overheating thing. I actually notice less bluescreens when I have my computer room's door open (the room becomes significantly cooler). I just didn't think that little room temperature difference would make such a big deal. However, I still experience the bluescreens with the door open. I guess the atmosphere could still be too hot at times, but I just don't understand why I sometimes cannot boot my computer up after a bluescreen, then, I will take/reposition 1 of my ram sticks, and then the computer will boot back up. If heat is the issue, how do I know what exactly is overheating? I've gotten an ati bluescreen before (I have a 6950 gfx card) but i've updated drivers and tried using fan control programs like msi afterburner to increase the graphic card's fan speed. My friend let me borrow a processor, that was identical to mine (550 amd), and the bluescreens seemed to come to a hault for a solid month. However, just recently, they have surfaced again. Maybe it is possible the thermal paste I used for the processor is bad or something? I believe arctic silver 5 is what I used. I just honestly have no clue. I have ran memtest86 before for several hours and the results said that my memory was fine. I've reformated 4-5 times since the beginning of this issue. I have probably gotten over 20 different bluescreen error messages (IQRL, system service, atixxx, bad boot, memory manager, kernal....on and on and on). I have not tried booting in safe mode to see if the problem consist. The bluescreens mostly come only when I am running a game or something. However, I have been browsing the internet before and had the bluescreen appear. This is much less frequent than when I am running a game though.

I appreciate the feedback very much so! I will try/look into all of the suggestions.