3x4 gb same stick but not kit working x58 ?


Typo corrected. Sorry about that.

For your consideration: https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820231356
Nobody knows.
Mix and matching ram kits may and may not work.
It involves only your luck.
Just try it, the possibility of having mix-matched RAM working is not bad. 2 out of 3 will work.

If you really like, trying to buy 3 ram sticks, all same but not kit, the chance of having them working is almost 100% actually.
hmmm...3 sticks is not a good idea tho'. You will have your RAM running on single channel mode.

I know bro. Not kit install does the problem ? 4gb 4gb 4gb same but kit of 1 ?

You are likely going to have a hard time finding a packaged triple channel DDR3 (type corrected) kit, but getting 3 matched single units should work just fine. It is the chipset controller that makes the triple channel work.

The clarification offered earlier was in response to another posted who suggested that 3 sticks would result in single channel use. Obviously, that is not correct in this case.

Not ddr2 :) Need ddr3

Typo corrected. Sorry about that.

For your consideration: https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820231356