Things like this upset me. Not that the game got a reboot, that's awesome. Not that the game has some really hardcore fans who can do a reboot. But that the game was for lack of a better term, too open. I like games to have a story, I don't want to write the story to the game, cause lemme tell ya, I'd have definitely added more lemmings or something, Polecats for fans of Full Throttle. What makes the games enjoyable and immersive is that you connect with the characters, I understand the whole I wanna make the character the way that I want, and I want it to be able to do anything, but in that vein, why even bother to write a story?
I loved the game til I was lvl 48 with rugged trousers and a rusty letter opener cause I couldn't find the !#%#% second village or whatever, so I left the story line cause I couldn't find it, but I did find another town, I pickpocketed everyone in town and now I have a billion gold pieces and no idea where to go, the FAQs assume I know where I am and how to get back to where I should have been, and people are like what are you talking about I beat the game in 6 hours first playthrough Just go North from the first town, well, the first town is three people standing around a shack near the river, not what I call a town, but whatever, Dungeon Masters have entirely too much time, and not enough brain cells, at least with real people at the wheel, they can keep things interesting where as game IQ is if you've hit the lvl 57 wolves that look just like the lvl 3 wolves you were just pwning you've gone too far.
Games of that nature are overkill, don't believe me, ask any nerd what the backstory of any character in Dragon Age is, cause every one you talk to talks for hours, and none of it is relevant, it's like a bad Monty Python sketch that has no commercials. "I didn't vote for him!" "Help! Help! I'm being opressed!" Go talk to Prince Chandelier. No directions, what's he look like? No one !@#%!# knows. You can ask questions about how the town got ransacked, you know how it got ransacked, !#%@!#$^ bad guys with torches. Where is the Prince? If one more idiot tells me about the hard times again I STFG I'ma save, beatdown, reload, then beatdown again. Yes, the voice acting is above average. Don't care, didn't care about the characters or the story that never unfolded.
I don't like the game to be on rails, I like to be able to wander off, but I also like a little compass somewhere that can tell me how to get back to where I was supposed to be so I can go on with the story when I'm ready to stop exploring the way too expansive planet.