4-pin problem ;-;


Jul 27, 2015
I recently bought a rosewell 4- port 3.0 USB express card so I can have more USB slots but I tried booting up but it always says " please install the psu 4 pin power cables to the 4 pin power connectors on your motherboard" not sure what I am doing wrong. As I need the slots to power up a racing wheel and other devices. My setup is as is - i7-4790k asrock h97 atx anniversary mobo

I got a black one let me link the picture if correctly.

http://imgur.com/a/xObBY not sure if those work too but I I tried and boot up but always says the same thing I listed up top
The current molex has 2 4 pin connectors on 1 cable so I plugged both USB express cards and connected the 4 pin cable to psu but it says please install the psu 4 pin power cables to the 4 pin power connectors on your motherboard

Alright I've seen to got 1 USB card working but when I try to connect the other USB card with its single 4 pin cable it doesn't even start up my pc ? Any ideas maybe not enough watts ??? My psu is a evga 750b