If you go with the AMD APUs, like the one i7Baby suggests, you can then add a very cheap card later to utilize it's Dual Graphics capabilities and boost it's graphics considerably (be aware the card models that can do this are few in number so you'll need to research). Here's a good article giving an overview of that APU and how well it does Dual Graphics.
In my opinion and experience, AMD processors can do just fine with any game when paired with a decent Graphic card. + its costs less than comparable Intel CPUs.
In my opinion and experience, AMD processors can do just fine with any game when paired with a decent Graphic card. + its costs less than comparable Intel CPUs.
I just implied that a Haswell I3 paired w/ a cheap H97 motherboard will give best bang for the OP buck as far as gaming is the main concern.
And could give OP a meaningful upgradeable platform.
I just wanted to inform you that AMD drivers for Linux are horrible, and would not recommend AMD Video Card for Linux user EVER if they want to do gaming with their PC