42 inch tv for gaming


Jul 1, 2012
Hi, I will be building a new PC, and my dad wants me to game on my 42 inch tv instead of buying a new monitor. I will most likely be seating 1.75-2 metres away. My questions are:
1. Will this be a good choice? This will be a dual monitor set up and the 42 inch tv for gaming, 20 inch for chatting and browsing.
2. How will this affect fps? Any lag? I plan to play Crysis 3, Assassin's Creed 3 and I will mostly stream DotA2.

Here are my system specs just if anyone wants them.
i7 3770k
GTX 670

Thanks in advance! :bounce:
The size of the screen doesn't matter when it comes to the performance. Only the resolution matters.


a 21.5 inch monitor with a resolution of 1920x1080 will require more performance than a 50 inch tv with the resolution of 1600x900

mhd lord

Dec 18, 2012
I totally agreed with lostgamer_03 try to chick your T.V resolution if it full hd 1080P OR hd ready 720P . In any case your system should be good enough to play any game in maxed settings with no problems at all . More than that my pc is much older than yours and is doing good so far until it met FARCRY3 :)
I suggest you get information about tvs before you purchase as not all are good for gaming (as monitors).
Some have too long input lag, others have bad black levels...

Personally im going to get a 50 inch plasma as my next monitor buy, as the 32 inch lcd will probably go to my grandma as a present.


Jun 5, 2012
im using a 40" toshiba lcd for my monitor at the moment, its ok for some games, but the scaling is bad on some FPS games, making it hard to read small print so naturally i bring the resolution to 720p instead of 1080.

eventually i want to move back to a monitor, i find it much easier to see plus TV's sometimes dont support proper resolutions and the OS has some issues detecting them and you need to force the resolution.

most newer tvs are fine for pc use though. its all preference.


Dec 20, 2012
Actually, resolution isn't the only factor that matters. There's also other graphics factors to consider. Playing on a tv screen isn't always the best--sometimes it's much better to buy a special monitor, because tv's have higher input lag and lower response time.

Try this guide to the best gaming monitors for more information, reviews, and installation instructions.