4870 vs 275


Sep 3, 2009
hey guys i got a question for you guys heres the specs
Amd phenom x2 550 clocked at 3.7ghz
4gb ram of 800
one 750gb hard drive
running windows 7 64 bit atm
1000 watt vortec psu

so here it goes my dad upgraded to a 275 nvida card so i was like sweet i get his old 4870 1gb card. so i plug it in and use vantage to run my marks. also before i put the 4870 in. i had a 8800 gts in their.
with the 8800 i was getting a gpu score of 4960 and a cpu score of 23751. all great kick ass comp running there.
then i wiped all of my drivers and registery for drivers off the computer using ccleaner and driver sweaper.
then i installed the radeon into my computer and it shows up as its there and working. But when i go into the bench mark it preforms HORRible. the graphics gets like a 6k tops with nothing runing. and my cpu got an 8k marks. and im still stuck on this part. is it because of the physx not being there? what physx driver do i use for the 4870? or is there none for it. also despite the low scores on the bench mark will it preform in games?
i just put windows 7 on so im working on getting games on it but atm just vantage.
so then i put the 275 in my computer my dad got the other day.
and the scores were off the charts again i got a 11505 gpu score. and a 34712 cpu score. im like thats alsome!
but is it because vantage is made for nvida?
any way the reason im makeing this post is both the 275 and the 4870 1gb are the same price. what is going to be better for the hard core gamer. 1 275 or cross fire the 4870's(that is if i can ever get it to work properly) please help thanks for your time.

also sorry for the spelling errors its late lol


Jan 9, 2008
sometimes it is because of driver sometimes it is because of your bios or sometimes psu. If u are getting low scores in games also then u should check out the problem. else dont worry about the scores as invisik said it doesnt matter till ur games running the way it should be :)


Sep 3, 2009
well see thats what i was thinking thats theirs no physx for it. but when i put tf2 in its running at 60fps when on the same settings as that 8800gts was getting 75fps. so it might be the driver or the bios. ill see what my mobo has for an update. also could it still be power even if my psu is pushing the 275 card?


Sep 3, 2009
newegg has the 4870's for like 175 :D the one gig to. any way ima work on getting the radeon back in my computer and let you know how it goes. but for the low scores in vantage dont worrie about it? were does toms hard ware get there bench mark from? i thought it was from this program 2. any one got a bench mark that works well with the ati cards?

also ive been reading for days now am i correct on this one there is No physx drivers for the radeons? ive looked and heard of havoc but thats nothing it seems like one the net.

any way even tho my computer gets low bench mark scores is reall effectting my computer or is it just no physx for the mark?