550ti as dedicated physx powered only by PCIe x4 slot?


Jun 17, 2014
So, here is my question, is it possible to use a 550ti as a dedicated Physx card plugged on the PCIe X4 slot and powered only by it? I meant, without using the 6pin connector?

I intend to pair it with my GTX 970. According to my calculations my 650w PSU should be able to handle both, but unfortunatelly it doesnt have a 6pin connector to spare.

If not, is it ok to use those 4pin peripheral extensions on the PSU with those connectors that comes with the GPU to power it?

Like, connect this:

On this:

So i can connect this on the GPU:

Ty all in advance.
No it needs to have the power cord plugged in to work. The molex adapter may work. That card isn't going to help with at all with physX. Better off just selling it..
I don't know the answer to your question. But if I were in your position I would forgo using the 550 Ti as a PhysX card. Instead I would:

Sell the 550 Ti on Ebay. You'll probably make at least $35 - $50.
Buy a 1st tier 650 watt PSU; the Ebay proceeds should cover half the cost of a new power supply.

$69.99 after $20.00 rebate card

* Addendum: If you upgraded to the 850 watt model, you'd have the quality and enough wattage for two 980 Ti's in SLI someday.
$89.99 after $20.00 rebate card

Ebay query: 550 Ti
conditions: sold / used
Ebay result: http://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_sacat=0&LH_Complete=1&LH_Sold=1&_nkw=%28550%20ti%2C550ti%29&rt=nc&LH_ItemCondition=4&_trksid=p2045573.m1684

That's what I would do.

Why not? Might bottleneck the 970?

I own a Thermaltake 650w 80+ Gold. As for SLI, i have no intention whatsoever in doing it, im more intrested in the dedicated PPU, i play @1080p, so SLI is just a waste of money on my point of view.

But videos like this

Makes me highly consider a deducated PPU paired wtih my 970.
I just watched it. Very impressive, although it looks too good to be true. But as I've never attempted using a spare card as my PhysX, I can't absolutely discount what's shown. The only way to know for sure is to benchmark it yourself and see. If you verify that these improvements are possible then I'd have to consider setting up a PhysX card. As for SLI, it's not for everyone. But It's been awesome for me. I have a 3440 x 1440 monitor that displays at 60 Hz.