[SOLVED] 550W Gold Power Supply Enough for RTX 3070?


Sep 1, 2013
Hi all,

I ask this question because I have seen conflicting information. I've used several power consumption calculators for the following:
PC Part Picker: https://pcpartpicker.com/list/GthsZZ

Ryzen 7 3800x
RTX 3070
16 GB Corsair Vengeance 3600mhz DDR4 RAM
1TB Samsung Evo 970 m.2 NVME SSD
Gigabyte B550M DS3H Micro ATX AM4 Motherboard

In all of the estimates I have seen, the wattage is never over 450W so I preemptively bought a Cooler Master MWE Gold 550 W 80+ Gold Certified Fully Modular ATX Power Supply.
However, Nvidia recommends a 750W for the RTX 3070, and some people have said you can get away with lower if it is a quality PSU. I am not sure what this means.

Is this PSU sufficient for this build (rated tier B on LinusTechTips)?

Thank you.
I would advise against a CM PSU. Their quality is very hit and miss. The RTX 3070 recommended is 650w. I would go with that, to give a bit of headroom. PSU's lose some capability, as capacitors age, so I wouldn't run so close to the edge. Do you have said setup, minus the GPU, or looking to build a new rig?
I would advise against a CM PSU. Their quality is very hit and miss. The RTX 3070 recommended is 650w. I would go with that, to give a bit of headroom. PSU's lose some capability, as capacitors age, so I wouldn't run so close to the edge. Do you have said setup, minus the GPU, or looking to build a new rig?
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I would advise against a CM PSU. Their quality is very hit and miss. The RTX 3070 recommended is 650w. I would go with that, to give a bit of headroom. PSU's lose some capability, as capacitors age, so I wouldn't run so close to the edge. Do you have said setup, minus the GPU, or looking to build a new rig?
Thanks for your reply. Looking to build a new rig. I have bought just the CPU and PSU because I was able to get them at a good price. Looking to finish build before end of 2020/whenever I can purchase the 3070.
Sorry for the piggyback, but would you be able to go with a 600 watt corsair psu if it's bronze or silver? or is that also way too little also?
The build linked above does have an estimate of 400 watt consumption.
In all of the estimates I have seen, the wattage is never over 450W so I preemptively bought a Cooler Master MWE Gold 550 W 80+ Gold Certified Fully Modular ATX Power Supply.

Did any of those estimates actually use an oscilloscope to capture actual power spikes?

You can get away with "less than a 750W" if it's a quality 750W. But 550W is 200W less than a 750W. I would stick with a 750W, though a (good) 650W should work.