560 ti causing games to freeze.


Feb 10, 2013
Recently picked up a 560 ti to replace my HD 6770.

The card runs all games fine at near max setting but i crash after 10-20 minutes. It could be a PSU error, but i doubt it as 500W seems enought for this card.


i7 930 (Not OC)
Inno3d 560 ti
4gb Memory.
500W PSU, cant be bothered to go check brand.

With a rough build using neweggs psu calculator the recommended is ~530, which i think is whats happening for the 560ti i would recommend at least 600w, but maybe I'm wrong.
I manage to get the crashing to stop when i have CPUID open for some reason (Try to keep it on 2nd screen just incase PC crashes and i can check what caused it) but games like BF3 have drastic FPS dips every few seconds.