5850 died, low budget replacement?


Mar 11, 2014
Hi all!. A friend of mine bough a refurbished 5850 about a year and a half ago, it cost him 50 bucks, but yesterday the card died, and he's stuck with a GT210 or something like that.

Anyway, he has a very low budget, what would be the cheapest card to match what he had?

Thanks in advance.

hmmmm...that would be good for him

what do u think about the r9 270 i suggested to him??


hmmmm...that would be good for him

It will certainly be.....as a matter of fact Thief 2014 and Watch Dogs are mantle supported and will provide atleast 5 to 15 fps increase as compared to HD 7730 (R7 250 is made by keeping this card in picture) and any other out there like HD 5770 or on par with 7750. And what's more mantle perform better as compared to high end machines which have i7 or i5.
Thanks for all the answers. The rest of his specs are:

CPU: i5 750@Stock
RAM: 2x4GB DDR3 1333
PSU: Generic, 600W

So you think a 240 would be good enough? What would be a match i performance for the 5850? a 250x? 260x?