6,200 RPM CPU fan speed


Sep 20, 2013
Phenom II X4 965 stock heat sink and fan. My computer is running between 44C and 50C while watching movies on my computer and idling. After 10 minutes of operation, the fan goes past 6,000 RPM and sounds like a jet engine and is very loud.

I turned on Quiet cooling via BIOS; reduced 100 RPM only

The machines is dust free and the CPU is new. Was wondering if this is typical for AMD to have such a poorly designed stock cooling system for their processors.

Any thoughts? A good cooling system recommendation would be great. Something that is inexpensive because I already wasted $119 on an old processor.
3300rpm is still too high.

The picture shows the fan label facing away from the cpu. Is it blowing air over the cooler? Maybe its on backwards.

CPUID and BIOS. Could this be a possibility: The sticker on the fan was facing towards the CPU. Isn't the sticker on the fan suppose to be facing away from the CPU?


Not sure if this fixed it or not. I turned off AMD's Cool and Quiet setting in BIOS. I enabled Quiet Fan and set it to 50C at Level 9 (high speed). Now my computer is running at 3,300 RPM and 39 C. I don't know what happened. Could it be AMD's Cool and Quiet setting?

P.S. the picture you provided is actually the 1st version of the cooling system. I have Version 2 and it is a little different.

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