
Jan 3, 2012
So I am building a new computer some time soon and I was wondering if this build seems good for games and streaming

i5 3450 $195

MSI b75m $60

G skill 16gb ram 1333 $60

I already have video card (powercolor 7750) from previous upgrade

CM haf 912 $60

Corsair builder 600w $70

dvd rw drive (recycle)

1tb WD drive $80

I don't plan to Overclock at all, and I don't plan to upgrade video card soon because I just bought it 2 months ago for an older machine and I plan to reuse it and it works fine for my needs

The two questions I want to ask is: will this be good for games, streaming, fraps gameplay etc....?

And I want to ask is would it be worth it to ditch the HDD and buy a 120g ssd for OS and games and recycle a 300gb hard drive for storage?

Advice to be appreciated


Aug 17, 2010
definetley get an SSD, they are awesome, and second Michael's comment about the SLI ready modular power supply

always be forward thinking, you can add a second gpu for cheap down the line and run sli, big performance bump, little money


Dec 6, 2012

That power supply is too good to pass up, The SLI ready is what got me to buy mine, ordered one, Im planing to go SLI in the future so thats a big help!


Aug 17, 2010
on that same note of thinking forward, consider a 3570k

even if you have no interest in overclocking now, think about the future, you could use the stock cooler now and in a year or two you can buy a second gpu, a nice cooler, overclock and get an additional upgrade that way.
move your ram from 16 to 8 and get 1600 ram. For gaming you wont need more then 8.
If you can move up to the tx series from corsair that would be better on the power supply side. For example a tx650 just a higher grade of quality over the CX series.
Fraps is highly CPU intensive so the 3450 should be fine. Also your hard drive speed is important. SATA III if you can although SATA II is sufficient. Although I do agree get a SSD and reuse the drive the SSD will take care of the lower speed of the standard HDD use it as a boot drive and maybe a program or 2.