650 vs 650ti?


Jan 29, 2013
Why is the 650s core clock higher then the 650ti's and yet its cheaper and apparently less powerful? I keep hearing "clock speeds dont matter" But can someone explain why the 650ti is better then the regular version? Aside from its obvious 2 fans.

650= http://www.tigerdirect.ca/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=4811221&CatId=7387
650ti= http://www.tigerdirect.ca/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=5311993&csid=_61

And how much of a gaming difference would i see from the 650ti versus my 550ti? More specifically Gigabyte Geforce GTX 550ti 1gb
Ok gtx 650ti is fine just hd 7850 is way faster than gtx 650ti means it will more fps its like this : gtx650=hd 7750 < gtx 560ti < hd 7770 < gtx 650ti < hd 7850.
Why is everyone going nuts over this 7850? And like i stated in one of my other threads. Ive gone Nvidia and aint going back. so if i upgrade it would be to a Geforce GTX card within my affordable range. Most likely the 650ti OC Edition. But i did just get this 550ti practically so, ill hold off on an upgrade until i run into a game i cant run. Just tried the Crysis 3 Beta and i got 45 to 50 fps. So im good for now.