6700k will only work when MSI slow mode is switched on


Jun 30, 2017
Hello Everyone,

I have been facing with a weird situation for a while. The story is;

I have decided to make a gaming rig.My specs are;
Msi z170a gaming m3
gigabyte gtx 980ti
Corsair vengeance lpx 8gb 2400mhz (1stick)
Cooler Master evo 212
NZXT s340 white case
PSU 650W xfx 80+ bronze certified core version ( I know a bit old but good PSU)

As you all know MSI Z170A gaming M3 is coming with a 'slow mode' switch for overclockers, when I first time tried to set up my build everything was working really well but the problem was constantly low fps in games which at the begining I thought graphic card was causing the problem.
As I have tried to search deeply for the problem, more I have learnt. Whenever I was entering to BIOS core speed of my CPU was at 0.8GHz. At the begining I thought it is normal and core speed should increase when there is load. But within time since I have kept getting low fps. I found out that 'slow mode' on my Mobo was switched on and it was downclocking my CPU to 0.8GHz and 0.9V. When I switched off 'slow mode' in BIOS core speed was 4.0GHz and 1.2-1.3V but computer was freezing right after bios screen.
At the begining I thought problem is with my Mobo and I have tried with Asus maximus viii hero - Asus z170 pro gaming and finally Msi z170a gaming m3 , result was always same.
Later on, I thought RAM can be problem, I have tried 1 stick hyperx fury 4gb 2133mhz and later 1 stick hyperx fury 8gb 2133mhz finally with 1 stick 8gb corsair vengeance lpx 2400mhz but the result was always same.
Also, if somehow (sometimes happens) I managed to reach to windows setup screen, right after windows 10 will ask me to provide product code, computer will show 'watchdog timeout' error.

I have 2 options left, either PSU is faulty or CPU is faulty.

I have already requested RMA from intel and I will be sending my CPU for inspection and hopfully for possible replacement to Netherlands (this is the address intel provided).

I wanted to receive your ideas.

Have a great day.

well your symptoms point to several possibilities.

1) PSU - good call on the psu, a bad psu delivering poor power can cause this type of instability
2) CPU - it COULD be a faulty cpu
3) Temperatures/CPU cooler - never overlook the possibility your cpu cooler isn't doing it's job. Furthermore intel had issues with skylake TIM under the heat spreader having air bubbles.
4) RAM timings - bad ram timings can cause problems too.

1) bad windows install- after swapping out motherboards did you reinstall windows?
2) bios issues? is it a fully up to date bios?
3) bad overclock tool (usually motherboard auto overclocking doesn't work, best learn how to do it by hand)

have you tried with all settings vanilla? do a clr_cmos, log into the bios, make sure the ram is showing the proper XPS profile, then leave everything as default; perform a fresh install of windows, make sure the bios is up to date, the drivers are up to date, and everything is working VANILLA. -before playing with any settings-
Thanks for the quick response mdd1963. I can see on the intel's website that my CPU has 3 years of warranty so I believe it is genuine. Currently I am not using GPU, it is only mobo, CPU, cooler and ram. Nothing changes.
Hey Ingtar33 thanks for the reply. I have ofcourse formatted my SSD and each time I am trying to make a fresh windows installation.
So far I have as well tried to update BIOS or tried to make clear CMOS , also I have tried to use different versions of BIOS but I didnt see any improvement.
I have seen many builds with using the same ram with msi gaming m3 and 6700k and it works well for the people.
Weirdly, I have managed to reach to windows installation screen when I tried to oc my ram to 16-16-16-35 from 2133mhz to 2666mhz. and ofcourse right after the installation process when computer had to restart itself, I faced with the same problem.
I am 99% sure that ram is not the main issue because I have used 2 different brands and 3 different rams with 1 or 2 sticks plugged in at the same time.

About PSU it is a big question mark for me as well. Believe me I have purchased and returned so far maybe 10 items which is extremely tiring. I dont want to buy another PSU and return it if it is not the case.
Unfortunately I dont have possibility to try my CPU on another computer.