680, is it worth it for this old system?


Dec 18, 2012
Hi all:

I'm in need of an upgrade. My system is about 3 years old and slowly dying. It seems my graphics card is acting up, its getting much hotter than it used to. I've checked the fan and heatsink, and reapplied thermal paste. Regardless of that it hardly keeps up with any of the newer games.

current system:
Intel Core i5-750 CPU || 4GB RAM || SAPPHIRE 4870 1GB || 650W OCZ PSU || ASUS P7P55D Mobo || 1920 x 1080 Monitor

I was considering getting a GTX 680, I connect my pc to both a 1920x1080 monitor and also a tv via HDMI to output video, so I'd like it to be able to do that. I'd also like it to be able to play newer games.

I was looking at these cards:


I also wasn't set on Nvidia over AMD whatever ends up being a better value, and performer.


So my question is is it even worth it to upgrade the graphics card or will my old cpu bottleneck the whole thing. Should I do a complete overhaul, and if so (if i wanted to do it part by part) should I upgrade cpu or gpu first.

Thanks for your help.

It should not bottleneck. You should still pick up a CPU cooler to overclock for free extra performance in some games.

GTX 680 should serve you well. Some people will say it's not worth your money - as it's only 10% faster than GTX 670, but is 25% more expensive. It may be the truth, but if you want the best performance - that's the only way :).

I'd personally go for MSI Lightning version. I don't think extra $40 for the Asus is worth it.
your cpu should do fine even with dual gpu such as GTX690 or HD7990. performance wise 680 and 7970 is about equal (stock setting vs stock setting) and as usual some games will prefer geforce and some other will prefer radeon. other than that the 7970 can be OC a lot though i like to remind you that OC is never a guarantee thing.

about the monitor connection if i'm not mistaken you still need active DP for the radeon cards if you want to use 3 monitor at once. for 600 series geforce you can use any combination that available to the card and can power up to 4 display at once. i could be wrong about this though so if there is anyone can clarify this please make do 😛
You CPU is fine. My PC is a I5 760 (Lynnfield) + GTX 480. It runs absolutely every game out there on maximum settings @1920x1080. A friend of mine with a similar system upgraded to the ivy bridge I5 + GTX680 and his system is only 10-15% faster in games, and the upgrade cost him about 900$. In far cry 3 (1920x1080@high setting) I get about 40-45 fps and he gets 42-53 fps. Not enough to warrant a 900$ upgrade in my book.

Just change your video card and you'll be fine. I picked up my Zotac GTX 480 AMP! second hand for less then 200$, and the performance difference is striking.
The reality is, there is no CPU that doesn't bottleneck a 680 from time to time, unless you play at really high resolutions. Some games are CPU bound, others are GPU bound. Your goal is to find a reasonable balance between the two.

Your CPU @ stock clocks, most definitely will bottleneck the card, but not all games, and maybe not most. If you OC it to at least 3.5Ghz or higher, it'll bottleneck far less often. The good news is the first gen i5 and i7's have tons of OC head room.
Thanks very much for your help. I am oc'd but I can't remember off the top of my head what I got upto. I water-cool with an corsair h80. I can't shake the feeling that I'd regret not getting a 680 over the 670, is there really a negligible difference? even if I oc'd the 680?
Still the 670 gtx is the best value in my opinion, and for most games not needed the extra "power" of the 680 gtx (it can overclock as well but the differences in performances stays less than 8%, the price is more 25%).
And for that cpu although a good one, the 670 gtx will be the best balanced card for that build.