Archived from groups: alt.comp.periphs.videocards.nvidia (
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On Fri, 4 Jun 2004 00:28:00 -0500, "Blainer" <>
>"Scotter" <> wrote in message
>> Great choice of a card.
>> Be sure you have a hefty power supply.
>> Otherwise, yeah, I think this is the card to get if you are considering
>> either this one or ATI's new best card.
>> They run neck and neck on current games with the ATI being a *tiny* bit
>> faster overall.
>> But to me that is outweighed by the 6800Ultra's Shader 3 capabilities
>> make it a card that will be better able to handle the next generation of
>> games. Correct me if I'm wrong, people, but does the 6800Ultra also have a
>> slightly newer version of Direct X compared to ATI's latest?
>No, because nVidia and ATI don't make DirectX. They use whatever MS
>produces and is installed on your system.
>As for the PS3.0 capabilities... most games today still don't even use PS2.0
>commands. Kinda like having a car with a giant tank for storing hydrogen.
>Sure, one day you could use it for a fusion engine. Pretty much useless for
Yeah... look at the GF-5900 and ATI9800 cards... now that they are at
the END of their life cycle, the games that PUSH them are just coming
Far Cry and HL2 gets about 30fps on those cards... compared to 50 or
so on the new X800/6800 cards.
Remember when the GF3 was going to be the REQUIREMENT standard for
Doom3?! (Quake 3 came out before the original GeForce).
Imagine running Doom3 on a GF3 card... bwahahaha...
- - - - -
Remember: In the USA - it is dangeroud to draw or write about Heir Bush in a negative way. The police or SS are called, people threaten to kill you. (What country is this again?)
- 15yr old boy in Washington was disciplined for drawing such images.
- White House blows cover of an undercover agent because her husband said there were no WMD (before the USA started the war) - her job was finding terrorist. (This makes sense?)
God bless the land of the free. Where you can burn the Constitution... Ashcroft does it every day.