Question 6800xt not working at maximum potential

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I have seen other people complain that some driver caused this issue, I need to know if there is a setting or something I can do.
I recently did a clean install of my GPU drivers also, so there should be almost 0 issues with my system rather than something AMD has done.

This is the situation: I can run Attila TW for example with Vsync on and mostly good settings at 4k 60 fps, the card doesn't even break a sweat, rather than looking at fake GPU usage I can see when my card isn't fully working by seeing how much power it consumes. So normally it sits under 100W while my maximum is 270W, 1000-1200 Mhz (maximum is 2400) and decent usage. So far so good. Then the battle gets messy, enemy has 3 armies, corpses amass as I destroy my enemies, game drops to 30 fps while my GPU stats remain the same, it's like the card decided "yea this is good enough" and then fails to adapt! I turned off Vsync and it was wasting power outside battles (I don't really want to do it this way) running full 2400 Mhz and 270W with 80-140 fps.

Same issue happens in Escape from Tarkov and I assumed that that garbage game is to blame (game is great but optimization is garbage). I start the map and I have 120 fps even but as the fps drops, the card fails to add more power. A clearer example is I am stuck at 46 fps and then I turn on FSR, suddenly my card goes from 270W and 2400 Mhz to half of that but the frames remain the same, like what the *?

I keep trying to disable anything AMD is trying to "offer" with their stupid app but somehow I can't force my GPU to sit at a high fps. I can even change resolution mid game (in tarkov) and I gain almost 0 performance even tho I go from 4k to 1080p (and no that's without vsync on).
I feel like I am missing some stupid setting somewhere, I disabled Windows game mode and I tried even Ultra performance power setting. And yes I even tried setting my "lowest GPU freq" to 95% it won't stay there, it still drops to 900-1200 Mhz.
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