6850k or 5960x to asus rampage v extreme 10

Because price isn't a factor between these 2, I'm not paying an extra £1000 for the 6950x the gains are not worth it. Especially when the 6850k beats it single core.
And the 6900k is the same score single core and I don't see the justification of 7000 points worth £400.

Also people always cry about a £50 price difference so that's why I said don't include price as a factor, but your asking me to pointlessly spend a min of £500 for a small increase is ridiculous at best 😛


Gaming ofc, I have a crappy old 2600k and want a big upgrade (I build pc's to last 5 years at a time).

As for the MB, I want all the bangs and whistles, this P67 mb was suppose to oc my cpu but every time I did it the comp would randomly black screen and reset even with my V6GT cooler on it ! also the 3.1 usb ports the wireless built in, the overclocking features built in etc etc.

whats wrong with a good build that I know will last 5 years? (without upgrading) maybe I should get a 5820k and a crappy z170 mb that wont have wifi,or as many usb slots and prob bad overclocking.

I am open to suggestions but on these conditions... the processor must be 30% faster, the mb must have 3.1 usb (min 4 total usb ports 8+) wifi (a good one not generic crap that randomly dc's) good overclocking software (heard msi are good at that but I don't like that company) a good DTS sound capability's, 3 pci-e lanes (I am going to sli 1080 strix (they take 2.5 slots each)

also the 600$ mb does way more than a standard 200$ 😛