6pin to 8pin adapter pci-e

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For a GPU of this quality, not a chance. This isn't an office PC or something running a 1050ti without a supplemental connector. Again, the CXM 550 is the cheapest PSU I'd run on this site with that high-end a GPU, but it's more expensive than the link given above.

The PSU is the most important part of the PC. It doesn't get less important when you have a $750 GPU.

Ryzen 3 1200 OC 3.8Ghz 1.28W
GTX 1060 3GB OC +100Mhz runs at 2013mhz
ASRock Pro4 Gaming motherboard AM4+
Hyper X Fury 2x4 8GB 2666Mhz ram OC to 3000

Yeahh but the 1080 was a gift, it's an ASUS Turbo GTX 1080 8GB

That's great but I wouldn't put it in that system with that power supply. Sell your GTX 1060 to get a better power supply and possibly a better CPU because you might need it to max out the GTX 1080.

If you run that power supply with your GTX 1080, you're likely to not have that gift much longer.

That PSU is garbage even as garbage PSUs go.


See that +12V rail with the 17A? That means that calling this heap of junk a 550W power supply is the equivalent of calling me a supermodel if I wear a Speedo up under my beer belly. What you have there is a 204W power supply, even if the parts were the highest quality you've ever seen. Which they aren't at that price and configuration.

A 1080 at load can hit 180W by itself. You were already running your PC on the edge of danger. You start running that GPU on that power supply and then it becomes a multiple choice game:

1. Overpower protection kicks in, shutting off the power supply
2. Some combination of the CPU, GPU, RAM, and motherboard are destroyed.
3. The whole thing catches on fire

Given the lack of protections on junk-tier power supplies, option 2 and 3 are far more likely than you'd want.

Any suggests on a cheap power supply, AUS pricing please.

Unfortunately, Australian prices always tend to be rather ugly as you probably know by now; in the US, you can find the SeaSonic 520/620 and the new Corsair CXs for about AU$20 cheaper than you guys have to pay . This is the least expensive PSU I'd consider running a 1080 on. We're talking about a GPU that starts at about AU$750, after all. The 550 would handle it too, but pcpartpicker has them at the same price right now.

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

Power Supply: Corsair - CX (2017) 650W 80+ Bronze Certified ATX Power Supply ($88.00 @ Shopping Express)
Total: $88.00
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2018-05-27 03:53 AEST+1000


For a GPU of this quality, not a chance. This isn't an office PC or something running a 1050ti without a supplemental connector. Again, the CXM 550 is the cheapest PSU I'd run on this site with that high-end a GPU, but it's more expensive than the link given above.

The PSU is the most important part of the PC. It doesn't get less important when you have a $750 GPU.

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