$700 Gaming PC Build


Sep 4, 2011
Approximate Purchase Date: Tomorrow

Budget Range: $700, but I already have everything

System Usage from Most to Least Important: Gaming, School work, movies,

Parts Not Required: Don't need anything, just suggestioms

Preferred Website(s) for Parts: tigerdirect.com (preferred since they don't tax me up the ass) or newegg.com

Country of Origin: Earth

Parts Preferences: Nceo prferen

Overclocking: Maybe

SLI or Crossfire: Maybe

Monitor Resolution: 1920x1080

Additional Comments: I am looking for a case, one that looks awesome and tends to my build as well. I was also wondering, I've seen a How-to video and seen someone with a case where he didn't have to screw in the DVD drive or HDD.Is there a case just like this, but cheaper? I also would like it if I could lower the price of my build just by a little. Anything will help, $10 or $20, you name it. I just don't want the performance quality going that low. Thank you.

P.S: I used both TigerDirect and Newegg because Newegg charges me tax since I live in NJ (where one of their warehouses are located) So it was cheaper with TigerDirect since they charged a measly $10 shipping fee

Here is my current build:
