750 Ti VRam problems


Mar 7, 2017
I recently bought a used 750 ti from internet, its an Asus OC edition, it should have 4gb.
But it only shows 1gb.
Can i fix it or did i got ripped off?
the second more than the first more likely

what exact model?

i can't find any 4 gb asus gx750 ti

i do find this one


is the same you got?

it is not a gtx 750 ti, is just a gtx 750 with 1 gb of vram
looks like this one


but i dont see a 1 gb nor a 4 gb model, perhaps is defective?

if you can return it or use any buyers protection plan on the site you used to buy it, that would be great



I got a replie from the seller, he confirmed me that its a 750ti 1gb, i misread it and thought it was a 4gb version.
I can play everygame i want (even gtav in medium/1080p/40fps).
I'm happy with this gpu, i'll have it unitl VEGA is out (if they have a nice price).
Thank you for your time :)