770 4GB upgrade to 970 or 980?


May 3, 2015
Hi all, I'm new to PC gaming (about a year) and even newer to upgrades. I've tried looking at benchmarks but I can't seem to find any at all for the 770 4GB, only the 2GB, though I may just be looking in the wrong areas.

So my question is this; Should I upgrade my 770 to a 970 or 980? Money isn't *that* much of an issue as long as it doesn't feel wasted. Also as an extra question, should I upgrade my i5 4690k to an i7 while I'm at it?

I really don't care much about 4k gaming and won't for a while, but I do care about getting as much FPS as possible without having to SLI. I play on a 1920x1080 monitor @60fps, if that matters a ton. I play a lot of open world games, and I play a lot of the new releases since there's a few this year that I've actually cared about (mainly Witcher 3). If there's any more details you need I'll do my best to give them.
I too have a GTX 770 with 4GB of memory. And I play at 2560x1080p.

While the 970 and 980 are a bit faster, its not enough for me to spend hundreds of dollars to upgrade yet. My card is pumping out 60 FPS for me in nearly everything I play. So I am happy with it still.

Over the next year, AMD will most certainly release their 300 series video cards, which are rumored to use some new memory technology that should make those cards just scream.

And Nvidia is never too far behind those AMD releases. So I figure that by this time next year, there should be 3 things in our favor.

1) New, faster video cards from both AMD and Nvidia
2) A series of price wars going on as they jockey for sales
3) DirectX 12 will be out in Windows 10, and that...
I too have a GTX 770 with 4GB of memory. And I play at 2560x1080p.

While the 970 and 980 are a bit faster, its not enough for me to spend hundreds of dollars to upgrade yet. My card is pumping out 60 FPS for me in nearly everything I play. So I am happy with it still.

Over the next year, AMD will most certainly release their 300 series video cards, which are rumored to use some new memory technology that should make those cards just scream.

And Nvidia is never too far behind those AMD releases. So I figure that by this time next year, there should be 3 things in our favor.

1) New, faster video cards from both AMD and Nvidia
2) A series of price wars going on as they jockey for sales
3) DirectX 12 will be out in Windows 10, and that should make all video cards and nearly all games faster.

So I am going to wait... A year.

R9 300 series are probably coming within next 2 months. June 02-06, 2015!

lol Okay 😛 but it's really coming in June 😛