771 to 775 mod question


Sep 28, 2017
I need to know if anyone has done the 771 mod on an ASrock G41C-GS R2.0 using a Xeon X5460. What I would like to know was a BIOS microcode update needed for this board.

Current build
ASRock G41C-GS R2.0
Intel Q9400
650W PS
4GB DDR2 800Mhz
1 TB Seagate
Both that motherboard and that CPU are on the tested compatibility list so it should work fine.

If you can't find a premodded BIOS there are instructions at the place I linked to that explains the procedure, which basically deletes Pentium 4 compatibility (to save space) and replaces it with Xeon (yes, Core 2 is still in there as well). Just as well to do it yourself because you don't know what's in the premodded ones (most of those are on a Russian site and a Polish one, or some random guy) and they may contain things you don't need like SLIC table mods or Fernando's later Intel RAID ROMs.

BTW G41 chipset has a hard FSB limit around 340MHz that requires heroic measures to go above, so don't count on doing much overclocking...
Both that motherboard and that CPU are on the tested compatibility list so it should work fine.

If you can't find a premodded BIOS there are instructions at the place I linked to that explains the procedure, which basically deletes Pentium 4 compatibility (to save space) and replaces it with Xeon (yes, Core 2 is still in there as well). Just as well to do it yourself because you don't know what's in the premodded ones (most of those are on a Russian site and a Polish one, or some random guy) and they may contain things you don't need like SLIC table mods or Fernando's later Intel RAID ROMs.

BTW G41 chipset has a hard FSB limit around 340MHz that requires heroic measures to go above, so don't count on doing much overclocking. That's why it's good that you have selected a chip with a high multiplier.