7950oc to 1070 or 980?


Feb 20, 2016
I am looking to upgrade from my Sapphire 7950 OC. Originally was going to get a 1070 when they get released. But is it worth waiting until the AIB boards are available (and not constantly sold out), or just buy a gtx 980? I might do/try occasional 4k gaming, but probably stick with 1080 or 1440p. I'm not an fps snob, and 30fps is fine with me. As long as it's playable. Any thoughts? Also I'm not looking to spend over $500 which rules out a 1080 or 980 ti

Hmm thing is if I got 1070 I'll probably get a superclocked AIB version. Which probably means I'll be waiting another month minimum possibly 2-3. If I go 980, it'll be around the same price but I could get it now. I'm just impatient :)
I have a 980 and I wish I had waited to get a 1070. I bought my 980 back in January for $380. It's served me well, but a 1070 would've been better because it has more memory, faster memory, better power efficiency, better thermals, and new technologies for VR. If none of those things interest you and you can't wait, the 980 is just an all around good card for gaming. But if you can choose, I'd say wait for aftermarket 1070s to come out.

The AIB versions will supposedly be available around mid june. I would advise you to wait, since you said you wanted to try 4k gaming. Who knows? You might get addicted

Wait for 1070. It is faster than titan x and cheaper than 980