7970Ghz ED Vs GTX 770 with ACX

What card do you think is better?

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Sep 8, 2013
I am upgrading from a HD6870 and I am having a tough time deciding what card to buy (bare in mind I do not want to wait for the 9000 series). in my sight I have it narrowed it to 2 cards

http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814130921 GTX770 with ACX


HD7970Ghz Edition.

They both look so similar on paper. In benchmarks they are so close together that they seem to switch places all the time.

I see that the 7970 has had time to mature and be optimized so games should be smooth by now.
The GTX770 is farily new and I hear some drivers issues that will go away soon, this although makes me doubt the card also gives me the feeling that when this card gets optimized it will be the top dog.

the prices are almost identical, I have all the games they offer already (except batman don't want it) so I'll probably give them away or sell them to make some money back.

I play at 1080 and sometimes at 1440x900 when I am multi tasking but never dual monitors. any advice would be appreciated. I know there are a few threads about it, but I was trying to see if the GTX770 superclocked made it a tougher contender.


Sep 5, 2013
What CPU will you be using?

The EVGA will run cooler and use less power.

Both are very similar in performance. It just depends on your preference.
EVGA and Nvidia or Sapphire and AMD?