7nm Chips Coming: Samsung Starts Production of EUV-Based 7LPP Process

If true, had to start without pellicles (not perfected yet), in order to not be totally shamed by having to ship international Galaxy S10's with 7nm Snapdragon 8150 from competitor TSMC. Already confirmed to ship S10's to all US and other major countries using 7nm Snapdragon 8150 TSMC chips (as usual).
In future articles, when you layout things like "this will take 1 mask instead of 4 masks". Would you mind throwing in a sentence or two explaining what that is exactly. Im sure there is a way to do it so that the tech-snobs arnt like "google it already...sheez". And at the same time, interested parties...such as myself...who are clueless, can actually learn something.

Things like the DNA storage drive and AI combined might be the future for computers' primary processing power. Like maybe programming AI into the DNA tech, and using the amalgamation of all our prior tech knowledge to be able to use the learning AI's processing power and translating it into instructions that computers can use. Or maybe just for the highest-end machines only (in the far future of course).
@X_ELUSIV_X The mask is just a film with holes in it used to shadow UV light on the wafer and create the desired pattern. Then, areas exposed to UV can be etched away.

Keep trying....you'll get it one day.
