8.4 GB limit



My 30 gig Quantum Fireball that I purchased recently is only recognized as 8.4 gigs in Win98SE. I had used this drive on an old 1997 machine though the BIOS there showed it to be 30 gigs and Windows didn't show it being bigger either.
I now bought a Duron 700 which i use on a DFI AK74 mobo.
The BIOS recognizes the HD size to be 30 GB but Windows doesn't(it only sees 8.4 GB)
I tried changing the HD setting in BIOS from AUTO to LBA and Larger to no avail.
Do I have to reformat my drive on my new system for Windows to recognize the larger size?
Thanks for your help...


I don't know about your old system, but from what you said, you must have created an 8.4 gig. partition, formatted and then installed Windows. From your question, I presume you just moved the drive to your new PC/motherboard. If that's the case, your 8.4 gig. partition still exists on the hard drive. You have two choices.

1. Back up everthing you need and repartition the drive with FDISK, making sure you enable "large hard drive use" or whatever it asks...I don't remember the exact wording. Then reformat and reinstall everything. This will destroy all your data.

2. Get some third-party software like Partition Magic. This will allow you to enlarge your current partition without destroying your data...assuming something doesn't go wrong!! I'd back up whatever you want to save anyway, just in case.



mmmmmmmmm..... ok. well its either u hav a partition or if not, use a fdisk function from win 98 or 95 and accept large disk support (u can also check u'r partitions from this utility) and then reboot and reformat u'r HDD. This should solve the problem.


Dec 31, 2007
You have to delete the old partitions and re-partition it. thats pretty much common sense.

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Dec 31, 2007
[History mode on]
Standard LBa can't acces more than 1.024 cyl, 256 heads and 63 sectors that's your 8.064 MB. Theory says you must have the extended int 13h. This is present on boards newer than nov. 1997. For this boards you can use only 8 gigs with standard BIOS. Flash it or use a disk manager like EZ Drive or Disk Manager Go from Ontrack.
Next step for bioses is 137 gigs

Now the real thing
You formated the drive on the old motherboard so you can see only 8 gigs. Backup all, fdisk it, delete all partition, format it on the new board
