8 to 6+2 PCIE Power Connector Question


Oct 31, 2012
I bought a fully modular power supply and I guess I just want to understand how the PICE part works.

If my modular power supply has an 8 pin PCIE connector to a 6+2 but my video card only needs the (2) 6 pin connector, will that mess anything up?

If it wont, could I possibly remove two of the extra +2 so my sleeving job can look a little nicer?
No problem just using the two 6 pin connectors with the two 2 pins dangling off the side. Cutting them off would be OK, provided you did a good job insulating the two wire ends carefully so the wires can't touch anything. But, just in case you are going to upgrade a year or two later it would be wise to cut it off at least one inch back and save the 2 pin connectors so that you could re-attach them if you get a bigger card someday.
Correct, the extra two wires are another 75 watts and ground, but if you do cut them off make sure the bare wire tips are insulated. You could safely use nylon barrel type crimp connectors on the ends and then put a nylon mesh wire loom over the whole thing, but it would be a bit bulky. The way mine are connected one of the two 2 pin connectors is simply sitting between the two 6 pin connectors so it looks like it is supposed to be there and the other one which is below the two 6 pin connectors is barely hanging below the second 6 pin connector. It all looks like it is connected. You might want to simply try and install it without bending the two 2 pins back and you may get lucky like me and will all look fairly clean. You could also take a small black wire tie and carefully wrap it around all of the connectors and it would probably look like you simply have two 8 pin connectors. I understand your concern that you don't want dangling wires, but you might want to try it first.