[SOLVED] 80% use of cpu and 50-60 gpu

Apr 18, 2018
hi guys i just have a problem i buy the last days the gtx 1050 ti gigabyte oc windforce but i have a problem you see when i play a game like warframe or csgo the cpu usage is going 80 percent in csgo and higher and in warframe 90 and some times 99 with gpu running in csgo in 30 -40 usage and warframe in 70-80 and some times 60 with fps drops some times i have a i3-6098p 8gb of ram ddr4 ty for your time(also the temputers are fine)
I think your CPU is enough to run warframe
are you facing this problem randomly?
try check your task manager when it gets 100% and see if the game taken all the CPU or process else is running
I imagine your CPU is sometimes getting to 100% usage, hence why you see the frame-drops, so I suspect that your CPU isn't up to the task. But, I will defer to those with more knowledge of those specific games to weigh in on how CPU intensive they are.

the problem is if i play warframe in some maps i get 99% of gpu but in the new maps like fortuna if you know the game i get only the 60% and is so stupid because i get the 99% some times but when is in the new maps 60% i cannot understand why is this happening
I think your CPU is enough to run warframe
are you facing this problem randomly?
try check your task manager when it gets 100% and see if the game taken all the CPU or process else is running

i dont know if its this a problme but even now i have google chrome open and my cpu is at 43% but i have one app using 28.6% of cpu and some others with 1% percent our lower i dont know why?

i dont think so mate is a two core processor but i dont think is so hard to lift this game even in the csgo i have 30% to 50% of gpu like what is going on