8800 GTS 640mb SLI vs GTX 560-Ti Help!!!


Aug 26, 2011
:hello: I currently have an ASUS Striker II Formula nforce 780 SLI mobo with a Q6600 core 2 quad CPU and 2 8800 GTS 640mb in SLI. I was wondering if it is a good idea to upgrade to an MSI GTX 560-Ti Hawk, because I can play Crysis 2 at Extreme resolution with no problem...I just can't use the DX11 features. Anyway I want to prepaer for BF3 and I need to know if I can just upgrade the video card or if I have to upgrade my entire PC. Thanks for the advise!!
you shouldn't bother upgrading until BF3 is actualy released, even then im pretty sure than your 8800GTS SLI will be able to handle BF3 just fine.
To be honest I have a 560 Ti, and I love it. The new Fermi architecture is great for power as well as speed. It has plenty of cores, and you will be able to use the DX11 features. Plus, the card has gotten relatively inexpensive.

The card is also able to be dropped into SLI if in the future you don't feel it's enough.

That said, if you can currently run Crysis 2 with no problem than you will be able to play BF3 at maxed, or at least high settings without a problem too.

So, in the end, your choice. I personally recomend the 560.
Crysis 2 at Extreme resolution

??? The 8800GTS 640 is similar to the 8800GS. Two in SLI should perform under the 9800GX2. Like a GTS250? No way your setup is playing at an "extreme resolution" with the details up high. The 560TI would be faster then what you have now. It's a good upgrade.

Just make sure your Q6600 is OC'd to 3.2GHz or higher. Or else it won't be worth it.

Believe it or not it does and performs well in my HDTV at 1080P resolution and I was surprised too. I built my PC in 2007 and the only thing I upgraded was to the second video card for the SLI. I don't think I am running crysis 2 at 60 fps, probably at 30 or 40 but it is still smooth.
Fermi isn't worth it all that much especially if you are expecting a long life span. Fermi era cards are just not built as well as your current cards and they tend to have to many issues in the long haul. Sure they are very economical when it comes to idle draw even a hog like a gtx 480 will use less power than your cards at idle but under load well Fermi is like netburst. Very high power draw and plenty of heat to show for it. Also the coolers like always are low mass and the fans on most after market designs are made very cheap compared to the blower style reference fans. The thermal pads on cards that have the mid plate are not often thick enough and are not properly applied so there are gaps or not enough pressure to ensure proper heat flow. The cards that have no mid plate at all are to be avoided, sure some have gotten lucky but not everyone is going to be so fortunate.

Hold out and kick the can down to road till Kepler (28nm era) comes out now that may be worth spending some money on.
Believe it or not it does and performs well in my HDTV at 1080P resolution and I was surprised too. I built my PC in 2007 and the only thing I upgraded was to the second video card for the SLI. I don't think I am running crysis 2 at 60 fps, probably at 30 or 40 but it is still smooth.

Sure, but what are the details? I bet if I turn enough stuff off/down I can do the same with my 5750.


No nothing turned down. Everything is set as Extreme, only motion blur I think is set to medium, but anyway There is a big difference between 2 SLI 8800 GTS 640MB vs MSI GTX 560 Ti Hawk, since I built my dad's computer on the weekend and tried battlefield BC2 and it runs a better with AA 16X and 16X AS and everything at max and 1920 x 1080.