915P with Core 2 Duo?

Christopher Haycox

May 8, 2013
I read on the internet if you've got a c2d with a 800fsb it will work on a intel 915p chipset and reports that people have it working?

I have a Gigabyte GA-8I915PMD witch is running a p4 519k LGA775 was wondering if i could upgrade to a c2d, i don't want to go a buy one if it wont work thats the thing, but like i said people have said aslong as its 800fsb it will run

please dont tell me to buy a new system and mobo as im on a buget and unemployed

Yes, a P4D is a dual core chip. It has two P4 cores in it.

Is there a reason why you are looking at stuff so old? I would think even a cheap modern system would be more powerful then anything from this era. If the budget is tight you might want to consider used as well. For example I'm looking to sell my old setup of an i5 750 with a P55 board for $125. Not sure what that is in £ but I'm not it's not much. Perhaps you can find something local that isn't very expensive.

Im unemployed with a income on 100 GBP every 2 weeks while living in a house of my own witch iv'e gota run on my own, about 90 pounds a week goes on bills, gas, food, electric ect.... so you see what i mean lol, its hard to buy things in my situation thats why im looking at so old things but please im welcome to charity 😛

LOL, I've done that before believe it or not. Bought stuff for people before, usually without them even asking. The foreign country is something I've never dealt with before and not something I want to tackle right now. Keep looking around while you save. What I'm worried about is you paying your hard earned money and getting something that isn't good enough for what you want or isn't much better then what you have now. P4Ds are still really weak for gaming. Even the old 2160 or 2180 C2D chips are faster then those things.

You know its bad when it comes to that lmao, i would love to use a c2d and a pre-owned mobo but cannot find any cheap, i dont want to use ebay due to past experiences, i have a ASUS P5B DELUXE but i think thats dead wont even power on no LED on the board or nothing unless you can help me with that as that supports c2d and c2q

update just put the asus board on my dest with a psu and theres a blue light on the board so it dectects power?
It would. P5B is a 965 or 975 board. (been a long time, don't remember which.) When dealing with a dead board make sure you have the right pins for the power switch. I've had it happen before where I'm trying to jumper the wrong pins. Also make sure you have a known good PSU. Try it with the CPU and a stick of ram. My old P55 board was odd that it was very particular about where the ram was. So you might want to try it once with a stick in each slot. Only suggestion I have.

update just put the asus board on my dest with a psu and theres a blue light on the board so it dectects power?


tried all that just a blue light apearing under the asus name on the mobo