980 Ti Hybrid 53-55% power usage on idle

Update: Do you have a high-res, high-refresh monitor?
(i.e. 2560x1440, 144Hz)


This was fixed, or at least improved with newer drivers but then in 2016 (problem was noted in 2015) it came back again for some users:

So again, you should note the GPU frequency but it seems like if it's jumping up over 800MHz in idle the card is using a lot more power. According to the article I read before the total power jumped by 58W (from 76W to 134W) and since most of that would be the graphics card that could mean jumping from about 20W (?) to about 70W? Unless I made a...
Way too high. Something appears wrong, or it's not reporting properly.

More important questions:
1) What is the GPU usage in games (VSYNC OFF) and using tools like Unigine Valley to benchmark?
- should be over 90% for most benchmarks, and for games with no current CPU bottleneck (AND the frequency should be as expected at the same time for the reason discussed above)

2) Any fan noise, or performance issues?

3) I'm showing on my GTX1080:

a) 4% power usage
b) 400MHz GPU
c) GPU usage is between 0% and 10% (it shows 0% at times but obviously that can't be true... again not sure what's being monitored)

So... I'm not sure what's wrong. It seems very unlikely it's using that much power though perhaps because it's a HYBRID solution the software isn't reporting this properly?

*Look at the GPU frequency. In idle it should be throttling down under 600MHz (not sure about GTX980Ti). Also look at "GPU usage" value. You can't be using 50% power if the GPU frequency and usage is low.

The more I think about it the more I think it's a reporting error.
The GPU hits 100% Power during the benchmark, GPU seems to be working fine under load. GPU Usage is at 0% on idle, but power still remains 54% mostly.. I assume at this point it's just a display bug
Update: Do you have a high-res, high-refresh monitor?
(i.e. 2560x1440, 144Hz)


This was fixed, or at least improved with newer drivers but then in 2016 (problem was noted in 2015) it came back again for some users:

So again, you should note the GPU frequency but it seems like if it's jumping up over 800MHz in idle the card is using a lot more power. According to the article I read before the total power jumped by 58W (from 76W to 134W) and since most of that would be the graphics card that could mean jumping from about 20W (?) to about 70W? Unless I made a mistake somewhere.
ya, NVidia seems to not be able to overcome that 144hz monitor thing

I don't see whats wrong with this ??


then here you dropped the overclocking down a bit that will drop that idle low power state as well ??? [from 100 to 80 on the core ]

I also got a 980ti hybrid

not that it helps any but I had used this for another thread


anyway when you move that coreclock up the card will need a bit more power to hold that extra over stock more clocking = more power even at idle

I forgot to add if you got windows power policy set to performance mode to will keep the card fun up as well and may not allow it to drop in to idle low power state

and 24c is my idle average that 19c must of been a cold day in here but would like to know your max temp 48c is the hottest I ever got mine pounding on it during a hottest day in here
I only dropped it by 20mhz because it crashed during the benchmark I was doing. My hybrid has NEVER seen a 19c idle, even w/ new thermal paste applied. On 100% load my card runs around 44-53c
looks like a good average seen some report up to 60+c with theres now I think I got better results with my card with the evga tool then I was getting using afterburner ???? my save you profiles from afterburner and uninstall it and try precision x

if it don't seem to for you just put afterburner back and put the saved profiles back in its folder place

I got this here as well to compare [ plain default 1080p firestrike not the extreme or ultra modes ]



gpuz render test and valley bench running at the same time 3ed loop
