9800 GX2 or 4870?

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9800 GX2 or 4870 which is better at the same price?

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Jul 14, 2006

Microstuttering can ocure when using multiple GPUs, its basicly problem with diferent rendering times for diferent screens whitch result in something i would call microlags when you screen move smothly then stop for few miliseconds and repeat that regulary.


Jan 2, 2008
Microstuttering can be serious, but it is very variable dependent. With low RAM and a slower CPU the chances of microstuttering can be greatly increased. It also depends on your motherboard, if it does not transfer the data from the PCIe slot quick enough it will also increase the chances for microstuttering. The monitor you use can also greatly effect the outcome as well. With high response times you can get ghosting and video lag (>8ms generally), and with very low response time microstuttering can become very apparent (2ms). My personal opinion is to go with the 4870, the 9800 GX2 will vary in performance a lot more than the 4870 would. The 4870 is STILL working on BETA-like drivers, and at 1680x1050 I would say with in a month or 2 the performance difference will be very low, and possibly on the side of the 4870. Also the 4870 requires less power and runs extremely cool with a simple fan mod. Not to mention your CPU will bottleneck the 9800 GX2 more than the 4870.

I would have to say either is a good deal, but the uncertainties about the 9800 GX2 make me side with the 4870. It runs cooler, requires less power, gets more consistent framerates, will be easier to upgrade later with another one, can only get better, and the difference in performance is really laughable in real life. The 4870 is more than enough power for all games, even Crysis which is a terrible game that you will not find yourself playing much at all, trust me. It is all up to you, but that is the decision I made myself.

Concrum, I am very against causing conflicts with other posters, but your just so pathetic, I simply can't resist. I want you to read every thing you have written in this thread and read your other anti-4870 X2 posts. Notice how microstuttering is only a concern when its an ATI dual GPU, not nVidia. I also want you to read how you keep bringing up the inconsistent performance of the 4870 X2, because it is a dual GPU, and I want you to see how you have dismissed it when its the 9800 GX2 in question.

OP, Concrum is NOT to be listened to, period.

Edit: My final verdict, go with the cheapest one.


Dec 8, 2007

^+1, especially on that advice about not to listen to Concrum.


Mar 23, 2008
While it's true that 4870's performance tend to be more stable (min and max frame rates differ by a smaller amount), it still won't justify the performance difference. Despite fluctuating more, the 9800gx2's minimum framerates is still higher than 4870's across the board. The performance difference between the two is large enough to overshadow this. For non sli/cf, at that $280 price tag, it's really no competition.


Jan 13, 2006

OMG>>Concrum SAID SOMETHING USEFUL!!!!! I never thought this day would come. I might go buy a few lottery tickets now. I'm simply amazed.

EDIT!, My first +1 for a Concrum post...one more thing that has never happened before.


Jul 7, 2008
omg... is monsta an ati version of concrum??! LMFAO

but yeah he did say something that made me think... the 9800gx2 is VERY cheap now, and is the best price/performance ration regardless of the micro stuttering that some say they see... of course i don't have the card, but that doesn't mean if i couldn't afford it, i wouldn't... how does the 4870x2 compare with the 9800gx2? that seems like a fair fight, no?


Aug 8, 2004
mmmm If you had no upgrade options I'd go with the GX2. Simply because it uses internal SLI means that the performance will continually increase as does the improved SLI scaling.

Not to mentin the fact it's simply more powerful.

And ATI have too many hit and misses on performance.

Tbh my choice would be to sit tight and wait for the 4850X2. it'll defo be a serious contender.
Exactly. The 4850x2 is just around the corner, will be the 2nd fastest card made. nVidia has been wise to place the 9800x2 at this price point, but, its basically eol, and not sure if theres ever going to be a 55nm version. If they dont sell out at these prices before the 4850 comes, itll give some competition to the 4850x2, but it is eol. Itll be interesting to see how this all works out in 3 weeks or so