9800gt versus gts250


Oct 1, 2009
hi guys i am having a dilema choosing between a 9800gt 1gb golden sample edition gainward graphics card and a gigabyte GV-N250ZL-1GI for my new core i7 system has anyone got any thought on my prob i would be gratefull thanks
The difference is small, but the GTS 250 is faster, but why don't go for the HD 4850? It matches the GTS 250 and is cheaper than the 9800GT.
bought the 9800gt for another system to test it out. whats so good about the 4850 as i stopped buying radeons a while ago and no nothing about them. is it really as good or better than 9800gt

a GTS 250 is essentially a rebadged 9800 GTX+. Review here.


like what Gulli said Radeon HD 4850 pretty much matches up with the GTS 250, depends on the game though. Both are better than the 9800GT.


There are 1GB versions of the HD 4850, but it won't matter if you play at 1680x1050 or below.
They're 25cm long (9.75".)

Good overclocker and it lets you mount CPU coolers designed for S775 motherboards.
I just want you to do, I am a professional in the feild regarding the following GPU's as of a few days ago. I did 2 months of research for the 8800GT/9800GT/9800GTX+/GTS250. (thanks to all the people on the forum.)

You know what I found out? I found out that the 9800GT was a re-badged 8800GT (yes, literally, physically just a label change.) and the GTS250 was a re-badged 9800GTX+

Now there's a notable and noticeable difference between the 8800GT and the GTS250. The fact is by default the 8800GT is @ 600/1800 and by default the GTS250 is @ 750/2200. So there is a difference, but if the GTS250 costs $30-$40 bucks more then a 8800GT, I wouldn't recommend it because you can buy a used 8800GT for $50 bucks and OC it yourself to that speed. BUT, I must give it to you, most GTS250's come with good heat sinks.

It all depends where you live, and how far your willing to go. Overall, I would recommend the GTS250, but if on a budget, go with a used 8800GT + good aftermarket cooler.

Here is the comparison for the 8800GT and GTS250, as you can see, there is a notable difference in Bandwidth, fill, texture and flop rates. So yes, if you have no budget then I would reccommend the GTS250.

Hope this helps.
The GTS250 is a rebranded 9800GTX/GTX+ with a die shrink. It is better than a 9800GT which is an 8800GT (less stream processors than the 9800GTX).

The GTS250/9800GTX/GTX+ is about 20% better than a 9800GT in most applications. 1GB won't help the 9800GT either since it is too weak to use all that VRAM even at higher resolutions.

Get the GTS250

The 9800GTX/GTX+/GTS250 has more stream processors than the 8800GT/9800GT. No amount of overclocking can make up for that since an OCed GTS250/GTX would cleanly defeat an OCed 9800GT.

I think used 9800GTXs go for about $80-$90 on ebay, while most 8800GTs I've seen go for about $70-$80
i play crysis and flight games and loads of strategy and battlefield 2 resolution is around 1280x 1024 as my monitor is a top end 20 inch samsung cost me a small fortune actually with the 2ms response time. and i live in the uk. also guys i am looking for a case for my i7 that will hold this graphics card i like gaming cases in black with clear sides so i can see the cards and l0ooks good. anyone any ideas i am looking for something with space less than £70 cheers
dont rekon much to the 9800gt bit rubbish this gainward one anyway. my freind bought the inno3d version brand new off me he got the better deal its load faster and truly awesome on his 32 inch £600 tv
Hard act to match, but at that 'low' resolution, yes, the 9800 is a fair choice: Most of the games you mention are CPU dependant, apart from the 'C' game which is just a monster.
Because this is a new build I'll say this again: Wait for the 57xx series release before you make the final decision. The system you are configuring will handle CF/SLI and the current cards are all doomed. Doomed I tell you...DOOMED!
I see no point in installing an obsolete card in a brand new system, even if it is cheap.
yes i saw the info you found its quite usefull looking at the 4870 versus the gts250 from what i have been reading sound very similar cards. card is huge size physically though looking at a asus ta m11 case in black what do you guys think of this. thanks