I'm following this guide and have my Aorus Master Z390 stable @ 1.452V 5.2 GHZ with a LLC of medium for a delidded CPU. It's currently set at "Normal" Vcore and Dynamic Vcore +0.020v. In the guide he said he achieved this at -0.100v. How?! What am I doing wrong?
I would really like to get the voltage down! Could someone please point me in the right direction? I followed this guide exactly. (please see other comments in article if you can, he explains how he achieved 5.2 GHZ.) I know a pretty good deal now. Any help is appreciated.
UPDATE: Link not showing anymore. Here it is again.
I would really like to get the voltage down! Could someone please point me in the right direction? I followed this guide exactly. (please see other comments in article if you can, he explains how he achieved 5.2 GHZ.) I know a pretty good deal now. Any help is appreciated.
UPDATE: Link not showing anymore. Here it is again.

Overclocking - 9900K @ 5GHz 1.2V guide Gigabyte Z390 Master + 5.2GHz 1.28v guide pg2)
I feel when it comes to overclocking, people think they should increase as many settings as possible, which produces more heat from the motherboard and...

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