Question 9950x seems have low fps in RDR2 then old 10700k ?


Jan 5, 2020
Hi guys.
I just buid new pc . Upgraded from my 10700k .
I have now R9 9950x , same gpu from old PC- RTX4070ti 12gb, 32gb ddr5 ram .
I have same settings in RDR2 , and what weird is i hade with 10700k around 100is fps . While in 9950x i am getting 93 average. I lowered my refresh rate monitor in gaming from 165 to 120, and I got 107 fps.
Idea why 9950x seems act so slow compare to old 10700k?
Have you installed the AMD chipset driver? The game's all threads should not be runned in two CCDs, once installed, you'll find CCD1 sleeping when you are playing games.
I think I did , I just build new PC and installed Windows 11 - clean isntall ..all brand new. And Asus drive hab installed driver for AMD version As of 2025/1/10.