a 1050 Ti and 3 times worse performance


Aug 16, 2016
Well, I had a kind of a bad graphics card with only 1gb vram, still i could run games like CS GO on high. Now, with that gfx 1050 Ti, I can't run cs go even on low. No matter if I am playing on ultra or at the bare minimum settings, I always get around 15-25fps max. GTA V was the same thing, I had there 25 fps on low with my old graphics because of the 1gb vram, now I have 20-25 fps on low as well on high.

-My CPU is a i5 750 2.67ghz, it ran at 99*C with the old and with the new 1050 Ti graphics
-I have 8GB DDR3 RAM so that's not an issue.
-The graphics card and all other drivers are updated AFAIK
-My friend has the same PC settings as me, and gets e.g. stable 90 FPS in GTA V at high.
-NFS Rivals runs great on ultra... All FPS games run badly, the terrain is skipping when you are walking.

I really don't know what it could be. Can please give me some suggestions?
Replace the thermal past of your CPU cooler mate. 99C is too hot. You are experiencing thermal throttling along with bottlenecking of the old CPU

Possible. Before you do a complete OSI, I would recommend downloading DDU, and making sure to completely remove all the drivers. This will include AMD and NVidia. Then re-install the new drivers.
I am using one regular fan.

-I have like a skipping of the game, something like when you have 15 fps, even tho I have 70-95

WHILE GAMING - cs go - high settings
CPU usage went to 100% whilte gaming. Without gaming it's 0-15%
CPU temp went to 99*C
GPU Power min. 48/max. 71
GPU Cores go to max 1823MHz
GPU usage varies from 50-70% usually, it went to 82% for a second
GPU temp min. 28/max. 39

Fan speed at 45
GPU Memory clock max 3504Mhz