A CPU to compliment my gtx 770


Dec 31, 2013
Hello, I recently got a gtx 770 as an upgrade and was just wondering about what kind of CPU upgrade to get because I feel bad that I may be bottlenecking my graphics with the AMD FX 6100 Six Core Processor 3.30 GHZ that I have. My current motherboard has an am3+ socket which I bought about 2 years ago, but it seems that I can't get the new AM3+ CPUs as they require a newer special motherboard. My goal is to play Battlefield 4 on ultra graphics very well, so I'm open to whatever CPUs are out there. I'd say I'd like to spend 300ish bucks max.

PS: I'm just playing on a 1440x900 resolution - one monitor.

Here's the CPU Support List for that motehrboard: http://www.gigabyte.us/support-downloads/cpu-support-popup.aspx?pid=3908

It can't even really handle the 83xx series, let alone the 9xxx series. The best you could get in there would be an FX 8300, but these are rare OEM chips. The realistic best therefore would be an FX 6300, which truly may...
The FX-6100 isn't the strongest CPU around but I doubt it'll be much of a bottleneck for a GTX 770. If you're intent on upgrading and have a $300 budget, you can't go wrong with an FX-8350 or FX-9590. Both these processors use the AM3+ socket so compatibility with your current motherboard shouldn't be an issue. A BIOS flash may be required for the FX-9590, but that's all.

An FX-8350 or FX-9590 with a GTX 770 and 8GB RAM will make mincemeat of BF4 at 1440x900.
What is your current motherboard? An FX 9590 in particular is limited to a select few motherboards, and someone had an issue yesterday with a 970A-G43 that didn't support their FX 8350.

For slightly over $300 this would be my pick:

PCPartPicker part list: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/26oJd
Price breakdown by merchant: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/26oJd/by_merchant/
Benchmarks: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/26oJd/benchmarks/

CPU: Intel Xeon E3-1230 V3 3.3GHz Quad-Core Processor ($244.98 @ SuperBiiz)
Motherboard: ASRock B85 Pro4 ATX LGA1150 Motherboard ($69.99 @ Newegg)
Total: $314.97
(Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available.)
(Generated by PCPartPicker 2014-05-09 05:25 EDT-0400)

The Xeon provides almost identical performance to the i7 4770 (but at a much lower pricepoint!), eliminating your bottleneck.

Here's the CPU Support List for that motehrboard: http://www.gigabyte.us/support-downloads/cpu-support-popup.aspx?pid=3908

It can't even really handle the 83xx series, let alone the 9xxx series. The best you could get in there would be an FX 8300, but these are rare OEM chips. The realistic best therefore would be an FX 6300, which truly may only perform around 15% better than what you have.

The Xeon 1230v3 is better than the FX 9590, and far better than the 6xxx series.