If you are that concerned, buy a new disk. Take this as an opportunity (or requirement) to upgrade to an SSD.A full wipe, will it delete all the malware in MOBO and CPU?
I know a full wipe will delete all the malware in HDD or SSD but not sure about MOBO, GPU and CPU.
Thank you!
Thx!Software/malware is not contained in the motherboard, CPU, GPU.
(OK, there are some rare instances of a BIOS being infected. Extremely rare)
Thx!If you are that concerned, buy a new disk. Take this as an opportunity (or requirement) to upgrade to an SSD.
Thx!In theory, a nasty virus could alter the bios on the motherboard or the firmware on the gpu.
Unless you are a high profile target, I would discount that possibility as negligible.
A clean windows install will reformat your drive, leaving nothing nasty left.