even tho I am buying an upgrade I still want to be able to do a complete clean install from a formatted drive, vista was crap with the upgrade you could do it but you had to install it twice and was just a big F' around
the old win 95 and Xp was great all it wanted was for you to put the disk in of the older windows just to verify you had a copy,I understand ppl were just borowing their friends disks etc and getting a cheaper product.So I understand to an extent why they scraped it. however it was the most user friendly OS installs there ever was!
But there is a way to bring it back. Microsoft..... Listen please for once in your life!
I propose the install be the same since w98- XP etc you insert the new windows 7,it boots up, and says its ready to go. DinG! this is update product, please provide evidence of a previous MS product. so put in your xp disc, then remove XP disk and put 7 back in And install as normal,so its installed you are in the windows OS now first time bootup then when it comes time to activate, you have to have a previous windows which you have from the start up you put the disk in, and have that key ready. So you type in the XP key hit enter it talks to big brother and may take a minute, Once that's verified, it then asks you for the Windows 7 key just type as normal, and then activate.
Thanks Microsoft Im here all week if you would like to employ someone who is
A. human and uses your products every day.
B. Really hates the current WGA and anti piracy, 'BUT" Understands steps need to be taken to minimize piracy
C. Im a little upset the people have to pay for Win 7 as it is really what VISTA SHOULD HAVE BEEN. But if it addresses alot of issues then ill be ok, I wont like it I had to pay 400 buks for a proper service pack, but if some miracle happens then ill just have to bite my tounge