A Newegg GPU Bundle For Every Build

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Who do they think they are fooling with these bundles. Just a way to peddle junk no one wants. Miners will buy the bundles too. I'm not buying anything again until I go select exactly what I want. I'm not settling for some random GPU and motherboard because it was bundled. The reason you build you own is because you get to choose exactly what you want, you don't settle.

You aren't doing me a favor by selling me anything. I'll just sit tight. If we actually reach a point where my current machine won't handle new games, I'll start console gaming again, and I won't be buying my console from NewEgg or other PC hardware vendors.

So I hope all those miners are still there when 1. the market collapses, 2. government steps in to regulate it (see step 1.), 3. it devalues enough again to where GPUs are no longer profitable to use anymore. This has happened before...

Its msrp is not $500 no 1080's are $500 msrp. They are 599/699.
Full price for a Gigabyte X370 k7 is $210. Which leave a vega 64 for
$1179. A whopping $21 savings over the current gouge price of
$1200. Far more than double the $465 I bought one from newegg
last November.
So instead of lowering the price, which we could do, we will just add it to other stuff you don't want but will buy and then part out..... you're welcome consumers
I see reading comprehension continues to be a declining skill these days. The author clearly starts out with this disclaimer:

"To help alleviate the pain of gamers looking to build a new PC, Newegg has been offering GPU bundles..."

He is not saying this is a good deal for GPU ONLY buyers. :ange:
10TACLE, these are not deal, you don't save anything like STEVE15180 said.

As of now, seriously, just buy a PS4 Pro... GoW and Detroit Become Human are about to be released. Honestly, I love my PC and I prefer my PC, but there is no way I will recommend building one as of now.

If you have money, just buy stock in AMD or Nvidia, might be the best thing to do.

No, they can't sell them for less. Prices and demand of memory chips they use have gone up due to increased global demand of smart phones. Couple that with the demand they cannot meet thanks to miners, and it is a perfect storm of we the PC gamers getting screwed the most.

Finally, the global explosion with the game PUBG in popularity, especially in the Chinese market, and it makes it that much worse on GPU demand. And this problem is not going to be going away anytime soon between either, so everyone needs to just forget about seeing a return of MSRP prices for the foreseeable future on new mid and upper tier GPUs.

Well $10 is better than nothing IF you are doing a new build right now:


The beauty of having both a PC and console. I won't be replacing my PS4 until the PS5 comes out at this point.
And i though i have overpaid for my 1070 ti (€550 incl. delivery) in DEC 2017. Fack those prices and AND plus NV. Why the heck they don't just make more GPUs if there is huge demand for it and no new GPUs are coming sooner then Sept. 2018 if so.
Just another form of price gouging. Sell me just the GPU ... at the "REAL" MSRP ... or get bent. Otherwise, it's been a good run, but the age of the PC is at an end.
Toms gets paid for this advertisement scheme. They toss in this garbage for you to look at and get paid for it. NONE of "best deals" were ever any good to begin with, and 80% of the time its a gimmick or inaccurate price. Reading these articles are no better than watching a TV commercial.
Oh yeah sure, then after you buy anything, Newegg will send the purchase information to your state years later so that the sate can send you a bill for taxes, penalties, and interest. Newegg will never get another dime of my money.
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