A Proposal


Jan 24, 2006
Hello, I am a casual reader here at www.tomshardware.com and I enjoy reading your articles away from the computer. I’ll be honest; I read stuff from your site while in the john. I like to give my self some good reading material and I’d rather not sit there with a laptop on my lap while I try and do my business. Now, when I go and attempt to print your articles I have to do page-by-page and it is kind of a hassle. I propose that you guys have a button for a printable version of your articles so people like me can enjoy your great site from anywhere. =) Give me feed back on what you all think.

Thanks a lot,
No, leave it right here. I happen to agree with you 100%. I love "printable views" ... it does "deny" the advertisers exposure on each page, but for us that want to print the article, the lack of the print view is a pain in the azz.
i agree that some sort of printable view, or printer friendly view should be an option, i loathe trying to print a 2 page article and the first three pages that come off the printer are ads, and then the article is printed and then two more pages of ads appears...

count my vote for it.