A slight budge in the laptop makes the whole wifi facility or option to disappear

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Sep 1, 2018
My laptop Asus x542un is having a weird issue. If I move it to one place to another or it somehow gets mildly shaked, it shows no wifi. By no wifi, I mean like there was no wifi facility in the laptop to begin with. As there is no wifi option its impossible to connect with any router. Also when it happens it also affects the performance of the laptop. It lags while playing a normal video and makes weird buzzing sounds while playing.

I've tried everything possible in the device manager. disabled-enabled, installed, updated drivers but none of them works. The only solution is that it works fine after a restart. But it does not finish restart after clicking. It keeps showing restart in the blue screen and nothing happens. So, I have to force off the laptop by holding the power button and then again turing on my laptop. I've also tried reseting and reinstalling windows. It did't work. It is a very disturbing problem as it happens regularly and most of the time while I'm busy with the laptop. One accidental budge and it happens again and again.

Is the problem in my laptop hardware? Is there anything I could do to fix this problem? I would truly appreciate it if you guys can help me with it. Thanks
It is possible that your Network Card is sitting loose inside your laptop (or the connecting wires are loose) or it could have been damaged, did you try using any external WiFi adapters to ensure that the problem is the Internal Network Card. As for the noise and lag it seems like the hard disk is displaced as well...
It is possible that your Network Card is sitting loose inside your laptop (or the connecting wires are loose) or it could have been damaged, did you try using any external WiFi adapters to ensure that the problem is the Internal Network Card. As for the noise and lag it seems like the hard disk is displaced as well...
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