A Strange Smell of "Burning" Dust/Plastic


Mar 23, 2017
I have recently had a problem where I turn on a game that is graphics hungry, (I have a Sapphire RX 480 in my tower) and been greeted with a concerning burning like smell. I immediately turned off my computer, took off my side case, and unplugged my power supply and started sniffing for the smell, when I first got my new GPU, replacing a GT 710 that my computer came with, it gave off a new graphics card like smell, as it is right next to my outtake fan, now, I know that my computer is extremely dusty near my two intake fans, which are extremely hard to reach with a vacuum, and I don't have any compressed air. But other than around the intake fan there isn't too much dust. I cleaned most of the dust off of my GPU, and around my CPU, and motherboard, accept the intake fan, I will most likely need to take my computer outside and blow it out with a can of compressed air, as it is almost impossible to reach. with a vacuum. I smelled my PSU and everything smelled fine, There was a little dust near the PSU (which I need to replace, as it is an "off brand" LS Ultra 500 Watt ATX Power Supply) I could not smell any burning coming from the power supply, so I know that it isn't crapping out on me yet, I smelled the graphics card, and I smelled almost the same burning smell, except it wasn't as strong. My GPU ever since the day I got it had always smelled like that, and I haven't had any problems with the smell since recently, maybe a couple of days ago. Can someone please help? Besides the GPU and PSU and CPU, what could it be? I've checked the motherboard for bursting capacitors.. Is this something I should be seriously worried about? Someone please let me know soon.