a10 7850k high temps


Mar 21, 2015
Hello, I was wondering if anyone knew average temps for the a10 7850k using the stock heatsink/fan.

Running 100% cpu speed i get 45c idle and up to 82c under load.
Currently running 70% cpu speed getting 45c idle around 57 - 62c under load.

Using speccy for temps, used hwinfo before and got the same exact numbers.
AMD overdrive's thermal margin is around 40c when the temp of the apu is at 80c.

Was afraid I was going to damage the apu running at those high temps so it will sit how it is until I know for sure. Using the stock heatsink/fan, probably going to get a cooler hyper master 212 soon.
Thank you for your help clutchc

Ok so it seems staying in the thermal margin will be fine. I seem to have decent leg room even under heavy load while playing a few different games.

Still though I was nervous before, seeing temps like 80c was alarming at first.