I'm creating a system mainly for league of legends and casual browsing w/ fb games and currently I have these 2 APUs in mind. I have no plan on acquiring a dedicated graphics card as I'm keeping costs at a minimum since this will only be used by my cousin during his stay in our house.
$63 = A6 7400k vs $41 = A4 7300
1. CPU Performance (I have no plans in overclocking since I live in a tropical country and it's very hot this time and I only plan to use the stock cooler)
A6 7400k (3.5GHz) vs A4 7300 (3.8GHz)
http://www.game-debate.com/cpu/index.php?pid=2204&pid2=2114&compare=apu-a4-7300-dual-core-vs-apu-a6-7400k-dual-core (This has some errors though as it stated that the A4 7300 is only 3.7GHz instead of 3.8 AND the A4 7300 having a 8370D GPU instead of 8470D)
2. GPU Performance (This will mainly be used for League of Legends, DOTA 2 and maybe online mmorpgs but not demanding games like crysis 3 since I already have my own rig that I use for gaming)
Is it worth it?
1. Is the extra CPU power of the a6 7400k worth the $22 difference?
2. Is the extra GPU power of the a6 7400k worth the $22 difference?
3. Will the A4 7300's CPU/GPU suffice the requirements of the user?
4. Will I have a significant improvement on dual channeling 2x2 4gb than 1x4 gb on these APUs? (a random question that popped it my mind)
I've looked into the Pentium G3250(costs around $52) and although despite its processing advantage over these APUs, its integrated gpu is very far behind. I intend to acquire a system that is balanced both between CPU/GPU and would rather choose a slightly/moderately lesser processing power than a significantly lesser GPU since I wouldn't be purchasing an integrated GPU.
$63 = A6 7400k vs $41 = A4 7300
1. CPU Performance (I have no plans in overclocking since I live in a tropical country and it's very hot this time and I only plan to use the stock cooler)
A6 7400k (3.5GHz) vs A4 7300 (3.8GHz)
http://www.game-debate.com/cpu/index.php?pid=2204&pid2=2114&compare=apu-a4-7300-dual-core-vs-apu-a6-7400k-dual-core (This has some errors though as it stated that the A4 7300 is only 3.7GHz instead of 3.8 AND the A4 7300 having a 8370D GPU instead of 8470D)
2. GPU Performance (This will mainly be used for League of Legends, DOTA 2 and maybe online mmorpgs but not demanding games like crysis 3 since I already have my own rig that I use for gaming)
Is it worth it?
1. Is the extra CPU power of the a6 7400k worth the $22 difference?
2. Is the extra GPU power of the a6 7400k worth the $22 difference?
3. Will the A4 7300's CPU/GPU suffice the requirements of the user?
4. Will I have a significant improvement on dual channeling 2x2 4gb than 1x4 gb on these APUs? (a random question that popped it my mind)
I've looked into the Pentium G3250(costs around $52) and although despite its processing advantage over these APUs, its integrated gpu is very far behind. I intend to acquire a system that is balanced both between CPU/GPU and would rather choose a slightly/moderately lesser processing power than a significantly lesser GPU since I wouldn't be purchasing an integrated GPU.