Abit TH7-II, pci and agp frequency?


Feb 21, 2002
I am thinking about buying this board and have heard that the AGP frequency (66mhz) can be locked but don't remember hearing anything about the PCI frequency (33mhz). Can the PCI frequency on the Abit TH7-II RAID be locked along with the AGP frequency? If not can I easily change the divider?

Basically I want to be able to overclock my CPU by increasing the FSB without running my AGP and PCI hardware out of spec.

*Edited to make post more clear*


<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1><EM>Edited by amd_builder on 03/09/02 11:47 PM.</EM></FONT></P>
what u mean by "agp speed can be locked"?... i persoanlly have never come across such term. do u mean it's data transfer rate ? can u explain abit more in detail?
Yes, there's an option in bios to lock it to 66/33.
Here's a link to the manual in PDF format.
<A HREF="http://ftp://ftp.mathematik.uni-marburg.de/pub/mirror/abit/manual/english/th7ii.pdf" target="_new">http://ftp://ftp.mathematik.uni-marburg.de/pub/mirror/abit/manual/english/th7ii.pdf</A>
traditionally, the PCI and AGP clocks were derived from the FSB by dividing it by 3 or 4 for PCI in a ratio of 2/3 or 1/2 for AGP, for 100 and 133 MHz FSB speeds respectively. Any change in the FSB would reflect in PCI and AGP speeds as well, which put some limits on increasing the FSB to overclock.

Abit has *decoupled* the AGP and PCI clocks from FSB, so that no matter what FSB you set to the PCI/AGP busses stay at 33/66 MHz! So now you can raise the FSB to whatever you want without worrying about overclocking your PCI and AGP devices!


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