Able to determine who thumbs up or thumbs down your comments???

bill gates is your daddy

Apr 28, 2009
Scenario: You are reading along in the forums or on the main site and you come across a comment you do or do not agree with. Mouse over the thumb up or thumb down and mark your opinion and move on.

We are all subject to it. We have all done this and been the recipients of it. My question about this how would one go about discovering each individual that has approved or disapproved a comment that they have written and submitted?

I ask this question because of a strange circumstance that recently happened to me. There was a comment that I was not in agreement with and mark it accordingly. Later on I received a private message from the author asking why I did that. I don’t actually care that they know my opinion because I will freely give it to them without hesitation, but I am concerned about HOW they are getting that information. When comments are voted positive or negative is there a log of this and is it accessible?

Anyone have suggestions or input?